Graphic Design (Coursework) / Typography / Kent Manifesto
Course: Typography
Date: 11/19/20
Size: 8.25 x 10.5 in.
Medium: InDesign
About: I worked in a team to design and compile a printed booklet of Sister Corita Kent’s manifesto for the rules of art. Our collaboration relied on only two colors, cyan and magenta, and focused on page spread designs with overlapping, enlarged numbers, patterns, and blocks of color to embody the life and emotion in Kent’s rules in print. My main contribution covered spread designs for rules #2, #5, and #8
Date: 11/19/20
Size: 8.25 x 10.5 in.
Medium: InDesign
About: I worked in a team to design and compile a printed booklet of Sister Corita Kent’s manifesto for the rules of art. Our collaboration relied on only two colors, cyan and magenta, and focused on page spread designs with overlapping, enlarged numbers, patterns, and blocks of color to embody the life and emotion in Kent’s rules in print. My main contribution covered spread designs for rules #2, #5, and #8